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SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

GMU Strategic Goal 6

Increase the university’s physical capacity to respond to GMU growth and become a leading green university in the region.



The purpose of the Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Program is to describe the process of how Gulf Medical University (GMU) will provide and maintain a safe and supportive environment for students, staff and those providing services at GMU.

  • To identify and list all the hazardous materials and waste used at Gulf Medical University.

  • To describe the procedure of identifying, handling, storing, using and disposal of hazardous Materials and waste.

  • To describe the associated emergency response procedures, training and education programs required for handling hazardous materials.


Inventory and type of hazardous materials

Type of hazardous materials and waste:

  • A hazardous material can be a liquid, solid, or gas and may exhibit one or more potentially dangerous physical or chemical properties

  • Infectious waste - Waste suspected of containing pathogens e.g., laboratory cultures.

  • Pathological/ anatomical waste - Human tissue or fluids e.g., body parts, blood and other body fluids, human fetuses.

  • Hazardous Pharmaceutical waste - containing pharmaceuticals e.g., pharmaceuticals which are expired or no longer needed, items

  • Hazardous chemical waste - Waste containing discarded chemical substances e.g., laboratory reagents, test chemicals in student labs, disinfectants which are expired or no longer needed, solvents, flammable and acids.

  • Universal Wastes – Batteries, lamps, mercury containing devices and pressure gauges.

  • Pressurized Waste - wastes consisting of full or empty containers with pressurized liquids, gas, or powdered materials, including gas containers and aerosol cans.

  • Sharps waste e.g., needles, scalpels, knives, blades, and broken glass.

  • Hazard recognition – Hazardous material is recognized by checking on the label of the container and comparing it with relevant MSDS sheets (either paper copy or MSDS Online®) for Hazardous components, Physical and chemical data, fire and explosion hazards and reactivity data.


Transportation of hazardous material and waste within the University

  • Containers of hazardous material or waste must be transported on a handcart or other cart that has a lip to prevent the container from slipping off the cart.

  • Spill absorbent material (Chemical Spill Kit) should be sufficient and readily available. Refer to the MSDS for appropriate absorbent.

  • Appropriate PPE shall be worn while transporting the hazardous material and waste (Safety gloves and mask).


Handling, storage and use of hazardous materials

  • Hazardous materials may only be used in areas intended for such use. Hazardous materials shall never be used in areas lacking the appropriate infrastructure and proper means of ventilation.

  • The number and amount of hazardous materials stored in the university shall be reduced to an absolute minimum.

  • Chemicals shall be stored based on their compatibility; Incompatible chemicals must be physically segregated during storage.

  • Ensure that the quantities and types of materials stored together are compatible. Avoid storing incompatible materials together (e.g., store acids and bases separately, store empty and full gas cylinders separately, Corrosives, flammable liquids, oxidizers, and highly reactive chemicals must be separated and stored properly)

  • Hazardous material must be stored in an appropriate container marked for the material being stored. The container must not be made of material that will react with its contents and cause fires, leaks, or other releases.

  • Monthly inspection shall be carried out by lab technicians for inspecting any leakage or corroded containers using the form Hazardous Materials Storage Area. (From attached below).

  • Hazardous material and waste container shall be labelled and the chemical name of the contents. All the university staff and students shall be familiar with these symbols and signs.

  • Hazardous waste containers in the processing area must be kept closed unless the material is being added or removed.

  • All the flammable hazardous material (e.g., diesel, gasoline, paints, solvents, degreasers, oils or gas cylinders) shall be isolated from other work areas. They shall be stored in designated predefined areas.

  • Hazardous material containers shall not be filled completely as liquids expand in containers as the temperature increases.


Handling of Chemical Spills

  • Call the Emergency response Team.

  • Incidental spills or releases are those in which the substance can be controlled by employees in the area at the time and that do not pose a potential fire, explosion, or chemical exposure hazard. For an uncontrolled spill or release (a situation that poses a fire or health hazard), requests for outside responses shall be initiated.


Chemical Exposure

Staff, students & visitors can become contaminated with a hazardous substance in a variety of ways, including:

  • Splash

  • Walking through a spill on the floor

  • Contact with contaminated equipment.


Labelling of hazardous materials and waste

  • Hazardous materials and waste containers shall be dated and labelled with the appropriate HAZMAT stickers. Dating is especially important in the case of compounds that have a specified shelf life.

  • A proper labelling system for hazardous material and waste is followed and staff shall be trained about it.

Reporting and Investigation of Spills, Exposures, and Other Incidents

All incidents like spills, exposure and other incidents shall be reported through accident investigation and reporting form and shall inform the Safety Officer. College deans/ department shall investigate significant hazardous chemical spills and unplanned releases. The data collected shall be analyzed and presented to HSE committee.


Disposal of Hazardous Waste

Gulf Medical University follows MOH and municipality rules and regulations for disposal of waste:

  • Hazardous waste is sorted out as per norms at the place of generation and then carried to the disposal area.

  • Proper signage system is followed while storing it in the disposal area.

  • Proper use of PPE and procedures during disposal shall be followed and it shall be in accordance with the personal protection information in relevant MSDS.

  • A separate area is assigned for the disposal of hazardous waste and from there it is collected by the Municipality.

  • Staff shall be trained in identification and disposal of waste.

  • Plan for proper use of PPE and procedures during spill or exposure should be in accordance with the personal protection information in relevant MSDS for that material.

  • All the independent entities inside the university premises shall comply with hazardous material management protocols.


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