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The Quality Assurance and Program Evaluation Committee is constituted to develop and supervise the implementation of a comprehensive and systematic quality assurance and improvement process for the college programs.




Faculty appointed by the College Council

  • Faculty members with experience in quality assurance to be nominated by the College Council.

  • Student representative(s) nominated by the College Council.

Term of office

Two years (Renewable once)

Frequency of Meetings

Once monthly and as frequent as needed.

Reporting to

College Dean



Decision-Making & Voting Right

The committee adopts a collaborative decision-making approach. Every member has voting rights including students. A simple majority, defined as more than 50%, is necessary for the approval of any given decision.


The College Quality Assurance and Program Evaluation Committee shall:

  • Review program effectiveness report(s) and course files, recommend, follow-up and contribute to quality improvement actions.

  • Work in coordination with other College Committees e.g. Curriculum Committee and Assessment Committees to improve the quality of College programs.

  • Analyze the exit exam and/or international benchmark exams results, in collaboration with the College Assessment Committee, and recommend improvement actions.

  • Conduct an end-of-semester meeting with all lead faculty and student representatives to discuss student evaluation and grades of all courses, and recommend changes to be implemented through the College Curriculum Committee.

  • Collaborate with the University Quality Assurance and Institutional Effectiveness Deanship to improve the quality of all operations within the College.

  • Review the analysis of all program related surveys e.g. exit survey, employer survey and graduate destination survey presented by each program director/coordinator and recommend actions for improvement.

  • Ensure proper implementation of College Policies and Procedures.

  • Follow-up on the implementation of the College strategic plan and prepare an annual operational report to show the achievement of the different strategic projects.

  • Review the college meeting minutes and follow-up on implementation of the planned actions.

  • Review the self-study reports for accreditation of the College programs by National (CAA) and international accreditation bodies.

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